Identity Detail

Glow is a new Italian eyewear company that needed to create a strong and recognizable brand identity to establish a presence in the eyewear market. The company needed to create a unique image that would stand out from the competition.

Our team developed a one-of-a-kind brand identity for Glow that was inspired by the concept of light and its ethereal quality. The centerpiece of this brand identity is the logo, which features a flowing, handwritten shape that glows to represent the company's focus on flexibility and innovation. The energetic color palette is a striking contrast to the black that was chosen as the base color for all stores.

In addition to the logo and color palette, we created a comprehensive style guide that outlines how the brand identity should be used for store design, signage, display graphics, and motion graphics. This style guide ensures that the brand is consistently and effectively represented across all touchpoints, creating a cohesive and memorable brand experience for customers.

Our goal was to elevate Glow to the same level as the most iconic eyewear brands and create a strong and lasting impression on customers.


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